Thursday 13 March 2014

Updating and downregulating

I have spent a large proportion of the day fiddling with my computer, letting it think about things, and returning to fiddle with it again. However, I have now upgraded to OS X Mavericks, which makes me feel really quite Top Gunnish. All my photos have survived the journey, which is the very best bit of all.
I have found myself in possession of two small children. One of them is two years and (almost) eight months old, and the other one is almost eight months old. Having them so close together seemed like an excellent idea at the time, and I am sure I will find it wonderful when they are playing together and being good chums. Meanwhile, the big one is ligging about like a small alcoholic (bizzare mood swings, partly-coherent speech, random acts of violence, and mostly incontinent), whilst the wee one is teething like mad and hates the world today, despite usually being the nicest baby in the county. I am not allowed (or able) to put any weight on the broken toe, so am leaning on my heel/side of foot, giving me a rolling sailor-like gait. Add this to the short people and I am really quite tired tonight. No, forget that. I am bloody exhausted and so is everyone who comes in contact with me and mine.We are not very good company.

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